Today at school we turned in our english projects we did over the weekend. We made postsecrets for Romeo and Juliet and for extra credit I turned in one of my own. After watching my fellow classmates perform some scenes from the play( Some were awsome and others sucked) my teacher started to read them all aloud. Some were interesting especially the ones from my classmates. After that I went to Algebra(Why me?) and took a test. At least the test wasn't too difficult and I was able to finish it. Lunch was same as usual and for PE we had a free day which was great. I'm reading this book called Kiss me kill me and its actually pretty good so far. I've been reading it throughout the day. Oh, before I forget I decided I will get my hair streaked blue! My friends are awsome and very supportive which is also great. So that has been my day so far....until next time peace out!
At least you didn't have to go through the droning voices of students reading work they plagiarized... I hope.
The choice of dying your hair is yours. Personally, I'm not planning on dying hair or getting piercings; to me, they're just so pointless. They might sound exciting, but it eventually becomes a daily part of life and something that you won't marvel at.
I'll stop talking about my views now; it's your blog.
Umm. So what is a post secret? I never did those in school.
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