Today when I woke up I was exhausted. I made it to the bus stop and it was still raining even after yesterday night's down pour. I made it to school but there was a huge problem ,we were presenting our scene today and one of my group members was not there. This wouldn't have been a problem if he didn't have such a major part. So instead of loseing a letter grade we did it without him and it was awful(Hopefully the teacher will understand and not mark us down too much)let's just say he better be careful when he comes back on Monday... My next period was ok so I thought my day would be getting better,boy was I wrong. It started up again the next period when a friend of mine got his ipod and wallet stolen. They called the school police officer and he came in to look around. After that our teacher checked all our bags(mine was a disaster zone)to look for who knows what. Due to this I was late to lunch but good news was I got myself a coke which is just what I needed. Then off I went to gym where I was hyper and in a great mood even though it was soooo hot in there. The good news is the rest of the day was pretty good and plus I have tomorrow off. That was my day hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Have a great day off.
Did your friend find his iPod and wallet?
Oh snap. The teach made you present even when your full group was not there? That sounds quite evil.
I don't think he got his stuff back which sucks.
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