Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Know Its Been Awhile

I'm back,I know its been awhile since I last posted, but since most my family and even my friend have been telling me to post, here I am. I'm leaving for Maine on Monday to go see my dad. I will not be back until August. I was able to get with my friends and we went to the mall, and I got this really cool shirt. Yesterday my family sat around and and ripped all the Cd's in the house on to our itunes. Mom got the new Theory of a Deadman CD , which I am listening to now, its really good. Today I am going to my friends birthday sleepover, so I am really excited. I also started a new book which I will work on during the summer. My friend's new blog Ruse is really good so you should go check it out. Well that's it for now I'll post again soon.