Today for no real reason at all I feel very lonely. It mostly has to do with my dad. After so long of your parents being divorced you get kinda use to the situation. This doesn't mean that I'm ok with the whole thing its just that you live your life as normally as possible. Any way occationally I have these days where I just want to talk to my dad but I can't. Or I just want to give him a hug because I miss him so much. People who arn't in my situation will never truely understand but at least they try. If you think asking for a hug is selfish then you go through 10 months of not seeing your father only talking to him on the phone maybe once a week, and not want to give him a hug. That's how it is for me. Most of the time I get through it but some days like today I am very lonely. This is my life so I must make the best out of this crummy situation.
Your post was spoken as if from the heart. Very good communication skills.
I have an idea. We could tape a blown-up picture of your dad's face on Lil Kat and you could hug him. I know it would not be the same but it would be fun to take off the tape (evil grin)!
Papa kat says he needs a hug too. Tape on little kat sounds fun!!
We miss you and want lots of hugs and kisses...Meow
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