Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Know Its Been Awhile

I'm back,I know its been awhile since I last posted, but since most my family and even my friend have been telling me to post, here I am. I'm leaving for Maine on Monday to go see my dad. I will not be back until August. I was able to get with my friends and we went to the mall, and I got this really cool shirt. Yesterday my family sat around and and ripped all the Cd's in the house on to our itunes. Mom got the new Theory of a Deadman CD , which I am listening to now, its really good. Today I am going to my friends birthday sleepover, so I am really excited. I also started a new book which I will work on during the summer. My friend's new blog Ruse is really good so you should go check it out. Well that's it for now I'll post again soon.


Black Cat said...

Hey yeah. I ripped that CD. But what kind of name is Theory of a Deadman?

Momoko said...

Remembers how you got me to buy that CD.

Grand Kat said...

We used to call ripped, burned, It is the same thing, right?
Glad to read you again.
Have a great vacation!!