Thursday, July 9, 2009


Today we finally had a day that was sunny. In celebration we went swimming in a local pond. We all had fun and enjoyed the rare sunshine. My head cold is still in full swing. This morning I woke up to a funny site. Here I am happily asleep(Thank you NyQuil) and for some strange reason I wake up.As I open my eyes I see cat face.Ruby who seems to have grown fond of me is on my chest staring at me. I pet her and she walks across my chest and leaves. Apparently she ran out of food which really never happens to her. She didn't know what to do so she came to me who also doesn't know what to do. She got fed which is good and now I have another great story to tell.


Momoko said...

At least she didn't carry her bowl into the bed and leave it on your head. Glad to hear you that the sun came out to play..finally!

Black Cat said...

I thought hungry cats start pawing their feeders. You are lucky you did not get a scratch. Beware the hungry cat.