Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Rain,Rain Go Away

I have been in Maine a week and it has rained most of the time.Even on the forth we couldn't see the fireworks because it was too wet. I woke up this morning and found out I have a summer cold(What fun). Anyway my summer has pretty good so far. Catch you later.


Black Cat said...

Yay. Kit Kat finally posted on her blog. You know we want to read your stuff Kit.

Grand Kat said...

I missed not readying about your life events.
Rain is a bummer but we need it here so send it our way.
Hope to hear from you again, REAL SOON!

Momoko said...

I noticed sleep wasn't on the choices on the poll. I will vote for mope which means snuggles up on the couch and veg.

Momoko said...

Knows the sun will come out tomorrow...