Tuesday, February 17, 2009

At the Doctors

Today I had a doctors appointment.Generally I don't mind doctors but this office has its moments. I was just going in for a check up but came out with a disappointed mother, attitude issues, and a sore arm. This is how it started. Everything started with me in a good mood because its been awhile since Ive been there, but then I remembered why I didn't like it here. My doctor came in as usual with a kind smile and voice. She did the general check up but then she brought up my weight. I knew it was coming but the way she said it just made me snap. I didn't realize I was being rude until my mom told me after she left.I feel bad now but theres nothing I can do about it. After she left the nurse came in to give me my surprise shots (there were two!!) and then we left. At least she prescribed some meds for my face because it doesn't seem to go away. Next time I go there I hope I can be on my best behavior even when I dont want to be. Well we all have our off days mine just happened to be then. Better luck next time!!


Grand Kat said...

Love the blogs!!! Dr's not so much!

Black Cat said...

The doc prescribed meds for you face. What is it that "does not go away"? Something is missing here. Peace out.