Monday, November 3, 2008

Ice Skating

A couple weeks ago my friend Kyle and I went ice skating.My other friends were invited but they were unavalible. Once we got there I knew I was in trouble. You see I dont know how to ice skate. Even though I was scared I went anyway and had a great time.In the hour I was there I fell about 4 times. The last time I fell though I hurt myself and I was sore for about a week. It was fun and I want to go again with my other friends. Next time I know Ill do better but I still need to practice so I can keep up with my friends. Off I go now to do more crazy things!


Grand Kat said...

Keep up with the fun things life is to short not to enjoy those little things.

Falling might not be one of them though. Happy skating.

Black Cat said...

Practice makes purrfect. Time to go ice skating again. There is no excuse. The ice rink is 10 minutes away from home.