Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Boy Trouble

Two years ago in seventh grade I had a major crush on this guy. We were in most of the same classes and he rode my bus. Some how he found out that I liked him (do not trust your friends with this kind of information because someone must have let it slip) and then after he avoided me. Now I know we did not have a stong friendship or any thing but he went from saying hi when I said hi to just completly ignoring me. Now I'm in 9th grade its been almost two years since then and my feelings have changed yet he still gives me the cold shoulder. Just today he stoood between me and my friend and talked to her but completly ignored me. My friend noticed and ask me if that was really akward and of course I said yes. I dont feel that way about him anymore and I would like to be able to say hi without me feeling like I had no right to feel the way I did about him. Im ready to forgive and forget but is he ever going to be willing?


Xero said...

A wise woman once wrote that if a guy behaves like that, a girl has only one choice: Next!

That means there are a lot of people out there in the world. If one particular guy is acting ill, forget him and move on to the next one.

It may not impact your relationship with that one dude. But it will change you forever.

Grand Kat said...

boys can be dummmmmm sometimes.

grannie kat